A Generic Update

Hello blog community!!

The last 72 hours have literally blown my mind. The Lord has opened many many doors. My family is living Ephesians 3:20 - "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..."

It has only been one month - four measly weeks - since I walked away from my corporate position to begin a women's ministry and start my own marketing consulting company. Each day, I wake up with James, have my quiet time alone with God, spend more time in prayer than ever before, and each day life keeps getting bigger than anything I ever imagined.

Some of the greatest progress and relief has been found in what I am discovering as I am "still" and know that "He" is God. One of the first realizations is that I did not realize how much time I spent venting and complaining about the stresses I faced in my job. A second realization is that I am lucky to have a husband that is an amazing listener - and I sure bet his ears are TIRED after listening for hours every day for many years. Third, I realized that my health was for sure being impacted by the stress and anxiety of always trying to do more and never figuring out how to manage myself. The fourth realization, I delayed blessings that I believe God had waiting for me merely out of fear of the many "what if's" that "could" happen without my income.

The day that I put my notice in at Itron, I began working on my plan for Grace Abounds Ministries. I have followed Joyce Meyer for many years and I knew that her resources could provide great guidance on the areas I needed to focus on planning. I stumbled upon her careers section and noticed an Analyst position that was uncanningly simliar to all of the areas of experience I have in Marketing. A tremendous peace came over me, and I felt the presence of God in my living room - and I looked at my husband and said, "That job is proof for me that something great is waiting." I applied for the job that night. Joyce Meyer Ministries called to interview me yesterday, and the first interview screening went very well. Surreal, but very well.

As amazing and hard to imagine as this circumstance is, on the very same day, I was provided two marketing consulting opportunities to give Unsworth Marketing Group, LLC. a far better start to living the entrepreneurial dream than what I could have ever guessed could happen in such a short amount of time. Additionally, I have prayed for quite some time for a mentor that is local, and shares the same energy and passion that I do for business and that prayer was also answered on this same day. The amount of work associated with both opportunities without a doubt will more than meet our financial needs for the "extras" - which certainly relieved pressure off of my wonderful and supportive and hard working husband. I wish that I could put into words the dialogue that happened this day in each of these meetings, because I find that it would be very much parallel to what Hannah in the Bible experienced when she finally conceived a child after living most of her life barren.  Hannah aksed for one child, and the Lord provided her with I believe at least FIVE. I prayed for an opportunity - and the Lord has rained down on me and my family more options in such a small amount of time - and there is no way to explain these circumstances other than divine intervention inspired by prayer and faith.

I was also blessed with a fantastic relationship with East Park Printing and they honored that relationship by whipping out a brochure that I can use Saturday as I venture out to recruit donated designer hand bags / purses from local area boutiques. Seeing the logo design and mission statement on collateral truly brought it to life. So amazing! Thank you East Park Printing in Clemson!

Today, I secured my web domain for the marketing company and received my LLC confirmation.
Both websites in development...stay tuned! I purchased my Employer Identification Number and did my government forms for this company as well. Unsworth Marketing Group - President and Owner, Keri Unsworth. God is good.

Also, I have my first Aflac enrollment next week, which will bring fruit. The Lord is showing favor on the desire to have discipline and focus. I still have absolutely no idea what will happen tomorrow, but one thing is for certain, no matter where I am, or what I am doing, you will find me "in the Lord".

I truly appreciate all of your prayers. It is the best gift anyone can give. The "Pass the Purse" event for Grace Abounds Ministries will be Wednesday, November 17, from 6 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Hilton Garden Inn in Anderson, SC off of Exit 19A. You can attend the event for free - donations will be accepted. The first $100 is already in!! Thank you anonymous donor - whomever you are :)


  1. On the edge of my spiritual seat as your obedience brings blessings! So excited!

    Aunt Kitty


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