Turning God's word into action!

October 12, 2010

I think it is pretty wonderful that most days I get ready to type this blog and I do not even know today's date. My plan and schedule are born out of what God lays on my heart - rather than what anyone elses desires for me.

I spend so much time with my little man and my husband on the weekends - especially the non-home games for Clemson because I have the joy of having my husband around the house - that I do not make time to share what is going on through my blog!  Yet, somehow all of those blessings seem to always spill over onto the circumstances the next week brings proving the Lord uses our families as a ministry.  Spending extra time with James and focusing on being a wife is teaching me more each day. I heard Chelsea Cameron speak in Focus on the Family last week -and her words really resonated with me. "You find me a woman that says they want to build a ministry or start a business and I can almost guarantee you they are not focusing on their husbands and their duties as a wife like they should be". Well, of course, given the situation in my life, I thought of myself. I thought of my ambition, and desires to build a ministry and marketing business, and it hit me really hard - that this lady she speaks of is ME!

Immediately, I began to pray that the Lord would show me which areas I need to improve in - as a wife. As soon as Jon came home that day - I started to notice so many "little" things that I needed to start doing to show him more attention, appreciation, and respect. And honestly ladies, all of you know, that in itself can be a FULL time job!! Since I gave birth to James - the truth is - I just was not really focusing time and energy on identifying ways to meet Jon's needs and then following up on that with action - consistently. Laundry, folding, cleaning, kissing, affection - it all takes ALOT of energy and time and thought. I realized that the only way I could get my priorities straight and establish some stability and balance between husband, son, and my dreams of a ministry, AFLAC career, and a marketing business, absolutely can not happen without keeping
Christ first in my life.

The message of the preaching we heard Sunday at NewSpring (I LOVE MY CHURCH!!  http://www.newspring.cc/)  reinforced all of these convictions.  We have to be reminded that God's word is #1, and real victory - and fullness of joy only come from holding fast to that word, and sharing this fullness of joy with others. I wrote down four areas where I would begin to pray day and night - as there is NO lasting change in any area of our life apart from God's word and prayer. So I committed to pray more with my husband about how I can be shown and take action to be a better wife to him, and share the joy of being a wife more to others, and build up my husband and his abilities to lead our household.

Imagine the outcomes if every couple started to pray rather than give into the temptation to fight? I remember one time I was grumpy, and hormonal, and no matter what I just wanted to be in a bad mood and be angry. I could not even explain why. Jon grabbed me, made me kneel down, and he prayed over me - and asked the Lord to rid me of my bad mood. Humbling, yes, but the power of God through that prayer will never be forgotten in our marriage. My husband saw God's word and prayer work immediately - dissolving my negative attitude - and empowering our marraige - and even though it was one tiny little moment - we always reflect on that when we are ever tempted to fight or argue.

I am going to have to do an extra blog today because this is a different area than what I originally felt led to cover - and I have to get the rest of what is on my heart out today.

What areas can you identify today that need less discussion - and more action and prayer? Serving your husband? Putting down the crackberry? Releasing control of someone or something? Letting go of something someone said to you? Reaching out to someone that needs help even if you do not like them? Is it your finances?

I can guarantee you - if you write down three or four areas and commit to praying day and night for God to show you ways that you can address them, improve them, and change them - you will make progress and see the fruits of prayer. It will be far more fruitful than whatever it is that is absorbing your time away from God - stop stealing from yourself - stop robbing yourself of the opportunity for blessings that God has just waiting for you.


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