Salt and Light

Good morning friends!

My devotion this morning is on a topic that I really feel led to share. Recently, I have experienced alot of warfare in many areas of my life where the enemy is alive and trying to separate me from God's path. 

I keep clinging to the scripture Acts 6:4 where God commands us to give "attention to prayer and the ministry of the Word" and tried to really invest my time in these things as I seek Him with all of my mind, heart, soul, and strength. 

I have so many people in my life that really need prayer, including myself, my husband, and my son. We live in a culture that is fast paced where everyone is so busy. If any of you heard the words shared after the Kansas City Chiefs win last night in light of the tragedy, the quarterback Brady Quinn said that he questions what more could he have done, and when he asked him, "How are you doing?"... did he really mean it? He also talked about how many times through the day our phones, Facebook and Twitter goings on are more important and have our focus rather than the people in need around us. The warfare I have experienced the last several days and situations like these encourage the question, "What may I be missing out on to those God calls us to serve? Whom has God called me to help that I may be overlooking because my focus is not on Him?"

I believe that one of the reasons that the Lord commands us in Acts 6:4 to give attention to prayer and the ministry of the Word is because Christ is THE only source of true joy - and without our attention to prayer and the ministry of the Word we are likely to reach for other things to fill that joy. 

I believe another reason God commands us to pray is because He needs to intervene with the power of Him through us and prayer and His Word are our sword to intervene and fight the warfare in our lives (Read Hebrews 4:12).  People need the power of prayer. Prayer is so much more powerful than any human act we can perform. Prayer is a supernatural exchange with the Lord and has transforming power. I believe that the power of prayer in Christ is the most underutilized and underestimated resource that humans have. I have experienced very strong conviction lately to spend more time praying for people. Turn off the phone, step away from e-mail, and get on my knees and pray. I have seen multiple spiritual blessings and the presence of God answering and being faithful as I pray. 

And last, God calls us to be salt and light. The work that God has called us to do is to serve others, pray for others, disciple others, with the ultimate purpose to reach people that need a relationship with Jesus. Jesus prayed for everyone and even future believers (John 17). Jesus prayed for people that he did not even ever shake hands with on Earth. Jesus prayed for those of us that are doing the work He has called us to 2,000 years ago! People!!! If that does not give you confidence, then I do not know what can. In His Word, Jesus prays. If we want unity in our government, unity in our homes, unity in our workplace, etc. then we have got to PRAY! and ASK! as we work for His Kingdom. 

Prayer renews our minds - Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Ladies, take time as you serve your families to pray for them as you start your day. Pray for the Lord's protection over them and for every recognizable opportunity that the Lord has designed for you and your family to grow His Kingdom!



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