Beyond the tithe

Today, you are receiving the opportunity and being obedient to God's call on your life to multiply disciples.  Today is a Kingdom Purposed event for YOU to uniquely continue following Christ from the condition of Christian into a cause for discipleship. Matthew 4:19 says, “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 

#1. It is NOT about you, or me, or the church. It IS about Jesus. It is NOT about checking boxes off or works, it IS about Jesus and sharing the gospel.

#2. All of us are positioned today to be moved spiritually to God's next level for us in Christ Jesus. Remember, 1 Corinthians 12: no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. Really seek Him for the right words and every available opportunity and humbly pray as the human ability is submissive to what God can do and what God can do is supreme. 

#3. He commands us to Genesis 1:28 "be fruitful and multiply" - He can use YOU as a vehicle to create an unprecedented ripple effect for God's Kingdom.  
I believe MANY people are already called to pour beyond the tithe and offering with an intense desire to be part of something so much bigger that includes discipleship making beyond the church into individual homes, towns, and remote areas.

Isaiah chapters 58-66 are His Guide for us as we pursue discipleship and really come to Jesus on His terms. 

v6 ‘This is how I want you to *fast. Free those who are in prison falsely. Stop making those who work for you into slaves. Deal with them fairly. And pay what is due to them. v7 Share your food with those who are hungry. Give shelter to poor people who have no homes. If you see someone without clothing, give him some clothes. And do not refuse to help your own relatives. 

v8 Then you will know my kindness. It will be like the early morning sun, which shines brightly. Your health will quickly return. Your generous deeds will be like a smooth path in front of you. And I myself will be your guard on every side. v9 When you pray, I, your *Lord, will answer you. When you are in trouble, I will be there. All that you have to do is to end cruel practices against other people. Do not accuse people falsely. Do not continue to gossip in an evil manner. 

v10 Give willingly to hungry people. Satisfy the needs of poor people. Then light will shine for you in the darkness. And your darkest hour will be as bright as midday.v11 The *Lord will guide you continuously. He will satisfy you with good things. And you will be healthy and strong. You will become like a lovely garden that always has plenty of water. Like a source of fresh water that never fails. v12 Your families will rebuild the ancient properties that enemies ruined. You will use again the old foundations (bases). People will call you “repairers of city walls”. And “those who rebuilt streets and houses”.’

Each day is given to us by Him with Great Purpose already designed.  All we have to do is ask God to show us our divine purpose in answering societal needs.  "generous deeds will be like a smooth path in front of you"...and He promises to answer us as we ask Him to use us. 

I believe that what God is pulling together will be financially rewarding in a biblical fashion and the Lord has called me to pour into three core areas for Integrated Life (  which are Ripple of One, the Manhood program Rebuild Real Men, and New Day Orphanage (, and haven housing for veterans and struggling families. As you have the opportunity to help these organizations, it trickles down to me and John and everyone we are connected to and creates a ripple effect of blessings - spiritual and financial.  

I have prayed for more than 3 years, I have begged God to make Ephesians 3:20 REAL in my life and to humble me to grow daily in understanding that I have NO idea how BIG God's power is, but that I BELIEVE in how Great He is and I have always believed that I am called to ministry and fundraising that can lead to $20M checks rather than $200.00 checks from those He has already called. 
God is offering that experience to any one of you DAILY!!! And He is providing you with every resource and person (special special people and organizations and purpose) to put together something that can lead to 1,000's of people getting to know Jesus Christ.  As you work today, think about how your labor is not in vain - the money you earn is purposed for the Kingdom - what needs do you see around you that you are called to answer. Maybe help a Ripple client go to GED class and get her drivers license and pay for her child to have someone reliable change her diapers? Maybe you want to support New Day and answer needs in a remote village that has more than 30,000 orphaned children. God has called all of us to something bigger than our 8 hour day. Have you asked him what He has for you?

Think of this - One house 2,000 square feet is only $30,000.00 in Africa. Think of the missionaries both here locally (like me) and those that are called to Africa that the fruits of YOUR work - even $1 can support. Think of the Kingdom purposed opportunities that we are called to pour into that actually create a place for seminary trained individuals to actually serve with big impact.  For the money you spend monthly on your "smart" phone, you can send two children to a year of school in Belize.

 Verse 16
The *Lord’s people were those that God had chosen to carry out his great purpose. The people had not realised why God had chosen them. It was not simply for their own benefit.
·        God’s purpose was for his people to be his witness to all the nations of the world. His people were to show by their lives how the holy God wants all people to live. And to show what wonderful benefits would follow when people obey him.

God wants each of us to live with GREAT purpose and equip the nations with tangible evidence of His Glory and His Power and ABOVE ALL -- HIS GRACE!!!

For nearly 4 years I share with all of you that I believe God will lead me into territory where the Lord will produce financial and spiritual fruit.  I have said out loud over and over that this is HUGE!! 
I BELIEVE and I have been ALL IN since I was called to ministry at 9 years old.  I have believed that He would use my life in a special way. And I BELIEVE in His use of YOU to partner with us in His call on our lives.

Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient,
    you will eat the good things of the land;

Since I left my check at God's feet nearly 4 years ago, I have BELIEVED regardless of the circumstances. I BELIEVED through being 3 months behind on our mortgage, through James being sick over and over, through Jon struggling through his school and finding a better job as much if not more through these times more than when times were better. 

Psalm 84:11 "
For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.

Whatever fruits come of my work, God Has already called to His Purpose as I will give far beyond my tithe and I am incredibly excited to be able to do that.


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