The Victory Is Decided!

Hello bloggers!

Today, I had the best personal time with Jesus in the Word and it was like receiving a love note directly from God in perfect timing for what I am journeying through.

I have to just put this out there...there are days when not knowing or understanding God's next steps for us become tiring and we just wish sometimes we could be comfortable.  But folks - Praise God that we are not comfortable because the position of our inner heart to be uncomfortable here means that God can use us to make a difference eternally.  I know that God's design for my life is to show others that this same power of Christ in us is available to everyone. Joyce says it best today!

"See, when you get a revelation of who you are in Christ, you know that with Christ on the inside of you, there is nothing that can happen that’s more than you are because there’s nothing that’s too much for Him! (See 1 John 4:4.)"


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