Are God and Jesus Real?

Monday, October 22, 2012

The air is cool and crisp this morning in Oconee, South Carolina! This is my favorite time of year. The leaves in the Blue Ridge Mountains have turned bold and bright orange, auburn, and yellow and brown. As I gaze off my front porch in awe of the beauty I see, I think to myself, "How can anyone not believe in the presence of a supreme being?" Yet, just a couple of Sundays ago I sat with a girl who doubts the realness of God.  Her entire life has been a mess so she struggles with this "omnibenevolent" Lord that she hears about at church. As a care team member at my church, I have to be prayed up and ready for whatever the Lord draws my way. This girl is in a tremendous amount of pain and is very lonely. So, with all that said, I thought it would be a great time to share some manifestations of the presence of Jesus in my life and how I know the Lord and Jesus are very real. 

At the age of 8, my parents gave in to my sister's relentless begging for them to come to church with her friend from down the street. I watched the Lord draw my father to salvation and total life change almost overnight. The joy and peace I saw my daddy experience was real. I saw my dad turn over alcohol, partying, late nights and jumped into his new life in Christ with both feet. By the power of his testimony, many young men were drawn to the Lord as well and began a relationship with Jesus. Folks - none of us - NONE of us have the human ability to make this happen. The power of Jesus in us draws others to us! Jesus is real.

When I was 9, I recognized that I too needed a relationship with Jesus. I experienced a peace the dissolved my anger and bad temper. The ill behavior my parents were concerned about was unleashed to the Lord and I was a new kid in Christ. They were sure thankful that there would be no more punching holes in the walls! I started carrying my Bible to school and sharing about Jesus at recess. The compelling desire that I had to share with others the gift of a relationship with Jesus at the age of 9 is not something that can be explained by anything other than the supernatural power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit moving in me.

When I was 16, my parents separated. My father walked away from the life God called him to. I watched my mom grieve in her bed for almost a year, as she would cling to her Bible, I would get on my knees and beg God to relieve her hurt. These circumstances were unbearable. I had to sell everything I ever had as a little girl and we still got evicted from our home. I started to ask this question, "If my father here on Earth raised me to believe in God's word and do these things that he taught me are right, but now he has defied all of these things, then how can I believe in a Heavenly Father and His promises?"  Immediately, the Lord answered. By divine circumstances, I started to run into people across town that invited me to Bovina Baptist Church in Vicksburg, Misssissippi. The youth leader, Terry Busby, just embraced me with the love of Jesus. I started writing songs! Folks, the Lord was pouring lyrics and stories out of me that I do not have the ability to perform on my own. In one of THE darkest most painful years of my life, the Lord carried me through the storm. His love is REAL. His WORD is TRUE. His presence is supernatural

When I graduated, we had no money for me to go to college. I came home one day and my mom was crying. I asked her what was wrong. She replied, "I'm upset because we can not send you to college. You are not going to get to go because of all of this." And I looked at her and said, "Mom, you do not have that kind of authority to say what is possible and what is not possible for my future. That belongs to the Lord. His word tells us if we pray, and ask, He will answer". That year I received $20,000 in scholarships, federal aid, and gifts. Every single year the Lord provided for me and I went all the way through graduate school and earned a Master of Arts Degree in Professional Communication. Jesus is REAL. His WORD is true. He is GOOD!  Matthew 17: 20-21 is one of my favorite verses. "He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 
When I surrendered my dating life at the age of 23, I began to pray very specific prayers for a godly husband and in-laws that would adore me and see me the way God sees me. When I was 24 I met the man I am married to now. He is such a gift from God and his parents have loved me since the day they met me. Their support and encouragement through the years has been an unspeakable blessing in my life. Their generosity and love often leave me speechless. Yes, His Word is TRUE - His promises are real:  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us -- Ephesians 3:20. When I was 17, I prayed that one day I would have a home to raise my children in and serve my husband. We have a beautiful home brought by the Lord and it belongs to Him and I will serve Him in it.

I walked away from a career in 2010. I knew that God's design for my life was ministry and community outreach and helping people. There was no plan. All I had was God and my belief in His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. I watched my husband hold on, hopeful, but very scared, as I was the breadwinner. The Lord showed me in His Word that I needed to just let Him order my steps and start each day in prayer and then take action. In 3 weeks I had an insurance license, and in 12 weeks I had record business in the State of South Carolina. During this time through a continuous series of divine meetings and connections, the Lord led me to Ripple of One and I knew that this is the ministry for women that I was called to. I was able to become a volunteer on the care team at New Spring and every single Sunday the Lord would prepare me that He would bring me very special ladies that I am called to mentor. While it is hard to keep an account of the manifestations of Jesus that I see everyday, what I can tell you is that the income that I have, the jobs that I receive, and the people that are part of God's plan for me - I knew NONE of them before I left Itron. It is truly remarkable. When people ask me, "What do you do?" The only answer I can give them is, "Whatever God calls me to." Some days that is Aflac, some weeks it is full-time ministry, and some days its marketing to help small businesses that can not afford marketing. BUT every day begins with Him ordering my steps so that I can obey His call on my life to be a wife, a mom, and a disciple. In a recession God provided every step of the way. I am a walking miracle. But the greater story is what happened in my husband....

Jon's story: "Keri was the breadwinner. When she quit her job I was freaking out all day every day, but I tried to not show it. After 6 months, we were really struggling. Even though I could see the joy and peace of God's Hand on this new path, it was SO hard for me to trust in what God was doing in her and me. A few times I got angry and told her that she needed to replace her income or we were going to have to sell our house. She just kept believing in His plan. Every single time things got really low and tough, our needs were met. As we journeyed through this for more than a year, the Lord grew a desire in me to lead our household financially and spiritually. I felt a sense of urgency to complete my master's degree that had been in progress for 6 years. In May of 2012, God moved several mountains to bring this good work to completion. Because of my wife's faith and joy, I started believing in His design and purpose for me. Even though I missed the graduate school deadline, my committee co-chair was unreachable, and I had to pass a Biochem test that I had not been schooled in for more than 6 years - God moved all of these mountains and moved me through them all to graduation day. 

1 Peter 3:1
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives,

And it did not end there - I began to pray for clarity for what the next steps were for me. I begged God to position me to lead my family financially, especially so that Keri could focus more on what she is called to do rather than what she needs to supplement for us to sustain. In June and July I began to apply for jobs and ask God for direction. I asked Him to open the doors that needed to open. I had meetings and interviews, but nothing that I felt was from the Lord. On Wednesday night, October 17, I hugged Keri tight and told her that I am tired and I want direction and next steps. We prayed together and we were at peace. THE NEXT DAY I got a job offer for a Director position at a local hospital. This is exactly what I prayed for! And then, the Lord gave us even more - because on my wife's birthday I will get to take her to our first football game as a family since this new job has me off on weekends!!! Abundance promised in His Word is real.
But LADIES - my greatest manifestation of the supernatural power of Jesus in me is that he turned me from a woman struggling with ego, ambition, promiscuity, partying, gossiping, and vanity to a woman focused on His Word and His Plan to help others. The change in us is real and it is supernatural what He can do through us. My life is one that billionaires envy! Every day I wake up and I praise Him that I get to wake up and do this life! He changed my heart from trying to increase things for me and moving my heart to desire increasing people for Him! 



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