What A Savior!

July 18, 2012

I love Laura Story's song, "What A Savior". I found myself in a moment of reflection designed by the Lord this morning. Sometimes my time with the Lord is simply in fellowship with Him expressing my gratitude for everything He is doing in my life, my family, my church, and my friends' lives. The Lord put in my heart to share today the importance of expressions of gratitude. More importantly, our expression of gratitude when we are spending time with Him, on our knees, in a quiet place. We are all familiar with the cliche' question "Who are you when no one is looking?"  But so many of us miss the realness of the supernatural power of Christ and the Holy Spirit that is brought forth when we are on our knees, in His word, and in prayer and discussion with the Lord.  We get busy doing good things and it is so easy to lose sight of how powerful our quiet time and fellowship with the Lord is. 

The Lord put on my heart to share with you a "short version" of my expressions of gratitude as I look back on the work and rewards the Lord has designed and delivered since I stepped out on faith and left my career at Itron:

  1. In less than one month, I met Stephanie Enders, the Executive Director for Ripple of One and this was life changing. I had asked God to answer, "What would Keri do if she knew she could not fail?" (thank you Perry Noble because you were my Abraham) and the Lord's answer was for me to become a vessel for Him that would invest time and energy to build solutions to reverse generational poverty and teach girls and ladies that His grace is enough to live the life He has designed for you with passion and purpose! 
  2. The Lord has enlarged my territory and created opportunities that have put me in front of more than 2,000 women and organizations to share the importance of living the life that God has called you to - this blog now has over 1100 views and some traffic is from Malaysia - FOLKS THAT IS THE LORD!!! Everything that is written on this platform is from the Lord, not from Keri. No mechanics or technique - just what the Lord puts on my heart
  3. No logic can explain the fact that we made it financially for two + years to enjoy 5 years in our home on 60% less income - AND STILL TITHING. It has not been easy, and we have certainly been in the red. But God's promise to Abraham and the story in Genesis 22 is REAL IN OUR LIVES - "THE LORD WILL PROVIDE"
  4. We lifted up in prayer to be released from a car payment - and the Lord answered this in a matter of less than 5 days. My father in law called out of the blue and asked if we wanted his Avalon. We got to share the power of prayer and Jesus with him. Ladies, none of us have the ability to make anything happen in our lives. People that think they are "make it happen" people are incredibly deceived. The only power that we have is from the Grace in our relationship with Jesus and the power of prayer and His word. The power of the Lord is so great in us that He can use others that are not in relationship with Him to achieve answers to our needs. IS THAT NOT AMAZING!!!
  5. The Lord opened up doors to shape me into a professional writer (book series in progress), a full-time mentor and volunteer to help ladies realize Grace abounds in their life!. The Lord brought three ladies through the care room at church directly to me that we were able to plug directly into Ripple of One to get them on a solutions oriented program to change their life spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically. These ladies are so special and the Lord is already using their stories to reach more women! Now THAT is a ripple effect! 
  6. Ripple has never done any major fundraisers - but the LORD continues to meet every need every time he sends us a new candidate. His work in this organization is supernatural and amazing! Individual sponsors and donors that God leads us to - from Him comes the desire to support this effort and His plans to reverse generational poverty using the body of Christ and not government funds is becoming realized!
  7. For 6 years I begged God to move my husband to finish his Master's. Once I obeyed, and got out of God's way, the Lord literally moved mountains when my husband took action - He moved in Jon and moved others and conventional rules out of His way to answer this prayer! Jon's story is incredible! (Blog version coming soon!) NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!
  8. I have Sisters in Christ that are true blessings to me and I know can see the real rewards when God designs friendship that is motivated out of fear and love for His kingdom and not the applause of men.
  9. I have seen the Lord bring us through storms that He used to remind us that He is the only way - and we have no ability to experience anything lasting and eternal apart from Him (John 15)
  10. God designed a relationship with Tri-County Technical College - inspired by Him - to build a scripture based platform to bring together resources that have a passion for Jesus and their professions that want to use it to further His Kingdom and to reverse generational poverty. Integrated Life Management Network was born in partnership with Grace Abounds Ministries and the Lord has used this to impact more than 100 women's lives in a supernatural unspeakable way and His arms are reaching around Oconee, Anderson, PIckens and Greenville daily to add to His numbers! The revenue from participants and sponsors is earmarked to build a state of the art parent child development center that provides God's word as the real Truth to guide us in parenting, financial wellness, healthy living, and professional development.  
  11. God called me to coordinate fundraising efforts that have raised over $40,000 in His Name for His glory - and He built a clean heart in me that PROVES His Grace is enough and its NOT ABOUT ME - OR YOU!!! God is so much bigger than egos and pocketbooks.
  12. With 60% less income, we have paid off over $2,000 in debt and this week we have a budget class at NewSpring and meeting with a financial coach to experience even MORE discipline for our finances purely moved by FAITH and NOT FEAR - that THE LORD WILL PROVIDE! 
  13. Seeing the power of God daily is so emotional and moving - that it often leaves me speechless. I have not ever woken up and missed my life before this. Each day I pray "Lord order my steps and allow me the wisdom and discernment to recognize every available opportunity that is brought by You Lord and let everything that is not from you fall away. More of you, less of me" - and God answers this daily and there are too many blessings to account for. The peace of God as the reward for this obedience has been to literally experience every laugh and milestone with my son James, pour into my husband grow somewhat domesticated which is definitely the supernatural power of God, and to survive crazy things like the loss of my wedding rings and fraudulent business people without missing one step - because the peace of GOD is REAL ladies!!! 
  14. The Lord provided one of the greatest experiences and challenges in my life - in my top 5 out of 35 years - to be on a writing team at my church. The writing part that God called me to require 40 to 50 hours of writing sometimes per week - but the Lord moved me to a new level spiritually, and my husband as well, that has opened BIG doors for us - spiritual intimacy that breaks down the walls of the enemy - !!! God even used this experience to show me His future for me and did the same for my husband!
  15. For the first time in my life, I have been blessed with the most amazing prayer partner and mentor, that if I had the choice between winning the lottery and one hour with her I would choose the time with her - because the words that the Lord speaks to me through her and the blessings He has in store for us when we spend time at His Feet have been lifechanging moving me closer to the person that He has called me to be!
  16. One of the several divine connections that the Lord has brought to me this year, is Sam Head and Lori Kelley with the ING Carolinas Wealth team in South Carolina. To see their hearts focused on what God has called them to do both professionally and personally and to take the major steps of Faith without being tied to the outcomes has manifested Jesus and made them very unique in the business world. I have watched Sam prayer over a room full of people with boldness, fearlessley, without being moved into fear of what they may say or do to him in our community. His belief that the Lord will provide what He designs for us and everything outside of that is not worthy or necessary has inspired so many people. God's favor to bring in more than $22,000 + dollars for the cause He knew God called Him to support reinforces that God's Word is TRUE and people that are really committed to Jesus will not succumb to fear of man! THANK YOU SAM AND ING CAROLINAS WEALTH!!!


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